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September 15, 2009

We lose but we actually won...

At last! For how many weeks we spent practicing our cheer dance presentation we’ve finally/successfully performed last Monday, September 7, 2009 at UIC-Bonifacio Gymnasium, the first day of UIC intramurals ‘09 around 8 o’clock in the evening, together with the other competitor from other program department. It was a night of thrill for me coz that was my second time to perform in front of the crowd in my whole entire life, the first one is when we danced during our acquaintance party, and I should say that “I am IMPROVING this second time around!” haha! Although some of my group mates were getting nervous for our presentation I do believe that we are all up and ready to perform our cheer dance successfully and I’m 101% sure about it. The competition was HOT since all the participants were great with their own cheer dance presentation, the gymnasium was filled with noise and support with each program department people. After all the participants had performed their cheer dance presentation, everybody knows that after that is the judgment time and their could only be one champion for that night, the crowd were shouting rather screaming for their department, everyone in the gym was intensified, waiting for the announcement of winners for that night’s cheer dance competition. After a short time the winners were announced the 3rd runner up was first called and that was the education program, next the 2nd runner up which is the pharmacy and chemistry program and of course the champion as what I’ve expected is the engineering program, their presentation without a doubt was really good they also won the best program delight that night. Well, I’m not so badly upset with the result since our group didn’t win the competition, however it really made me feel sad, actually for me its not a fight, it is more on performing in front of people what you've got, our efforts and our sacrifices in doing that cheer dance for a weeks with all the help of our classmates who participated to do our props and to take care of them and whatever it is that has been a big help to us HAD NEVER BEEN WASTED!! We gave all our efforts in doing everything we could to make our presentation successful and yet it was REALLY SUCCESSFUL! WOHOOO!! Thanks guyz for helping us out! To the ITE program officers and to the faculty members for a BIG HELP that they gave, for providing us our needs for our cheer dance. To my classmates! no I mean to my MOST DISTURBING classmates for all the bullies you did to me while in practice well I’ll just consider it all as a bonding with you guyz in some other way, hehe! seriously thank you very much! And most especially to my cheer dance family for giving me a chance to find more friends for giving me happy memories with you guyz and bonding moments also, thanks for counting me in on this group for letting discover more about my self and better luck next time, just always remember guyz that everything had a purpose. Hehe! God Bless to us! And I guess this will be enough as an entry, haha! XD thank you! Oh! I’m an IT student, under ITE program.

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