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September 3, 2009

New from ME!

The Intramurals 2009 of the University of the Immaculate Conception is fast aproaching, and for the first time in my whole entire school life I joined a cheering squad to represent our program course the Information Technolgy Education that will be competing other program courses too this coming Monday and we only have 3 days left to practice and to master our moves. We are spending almost 4 hours to practice our moves almost everyday sometimes when everybody is vacant we practice almost the whole day and it was already a month ago when we started the practice. I can see that our cheer leaders really work hard for this, with all their effort, and I never thought that activities like this isn't just all about winning it is also forming a friendship, helping each other to make the performance good, and respecting each others differences. Most of my cheer mates have their own talents in cheering since they have already been through to this kind of activity and it really frustrate me, I have no talent at all even a simpliest stunt I really don't have one but that doesn't pull me back instead it pushes me forward to improve my self, discovering something new from me and making my life more worthy. However, these past few days I've always went to school late, coz our practice must be at night since not all of us is in the same schedule, sometimes when I feel so tired I don't go to school like what I am doing right now, I was suppose to be in school this time but I feel so tired and I think I'll just fall asleep if I go there. My sister and my parents also complaining why is that I always woke up late in the morning and they don't accept my explanation coz they always compare me with other people whos been working late but still can wake up early, in this case I really don't argue with them coz I 'll just worsen the situation they just don't understand how exhausted I was every end of the day, not just my body but also my mind. Anyways, our cheering squad is now currently doing the polish thing something haha! I just don't have knowledge about it, all I understand is we should perform like it was a final performance, making our moves perfect like what should it be. Hehe...

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