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August 7, 2009

What a s*** day!

Oh my gross! I am so upset this day I felt so disappointed with my self again, just this very morning when I woke up. I woke this morning at 5:50am and stayed on my bed thinking of my computer programming subject bring home quiz which is equivalent to 3 or 4 quizzes I guess, unfortunately I didn't make it I can't finish the problem that was given and for that I am expecting a scold from my teacher and a low grade for my midterm period. Gosh! can I just say "XET!" okay now that's fine. Moving on, I am spending too much time thinking of my computer programming subject when I didn't notice that I'll be getting late for my first subject period this day, my PE class, and my teacher already told me that one more late and so I'll be drop out on his class, then I was in a hurry forgetting to take my breakfast and even a sip of my coffee. It was 6:20am when I went out the house to travel to our school, I came at school at 7:25am and the class will be starting within 5minutes then I was in a hurry again catching my breath running on the stairs through the 7th floor and unfortunately they've already started the class, although it wasn't 7:30am yet said my classmate who was their earlier than me, he's considered late too but he came around 7:10am so the class must be started very early, then I knew that I was already dropped out, I didn't complain 'coz I know it will be no use at all, so I went out of the class with a feeling of great DISAPPOINTMENT! xet!

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