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August 5, 2009

I'm not loosing my grip...

Being an IT student made me realized that life isn't that simple at all, in my field that I chose I never thought that this could be so hard for me. I am really frustrated with my self right now knowing that I can't do such thing as easy as other does, yet maybe because I am too lazy opening my books, reading some topics in advance, challenging my self by solving one of the problems and a bla bla bla.

I have a goal to reach that farEmoticon Pictures, Images and Photos, and it seems like its getting farther and there's no chance to pull it off. However, I found a light Emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosat the end of the tunnel and I know this is hope or maybe an incoming train I guess, but I am so sure that this was my last option, it might be an incoming train and this could be the one that'll try to loose my hope, unfortunately I won't surrender without giving a fight! All I have to do is to evade it and then TADA! SUCCESS! (is there a fight?) Well, I pray, I wish, I hope that by this, I am now confident on facing the world that I belong to.

-a murmur of a 2nd year IT student of the UIC-Davao City

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