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August 14, 2009

Poem of me # 3

Imma Fool...
Dedicated to my foolishness

It's been years have already past
But why I can't forget it that fast?
I know my life's still vast
Coz there's a lot of things I have to do and I must

Oh gross! what love did unto me?
Is this for real 'til eternity?
Oh love! will you please let me erase the memory
I wanna bore it and forget it totally

Forget this kind of stupidity
That once occupied my innocency
And yet it affects my dignity
Fool! Why am I afraid to face the reality?

I was born here on earth with a purpose, I believe
It's just I stole others time, I'm a thieve
Right now I'm gently moving on, I must achieve
I know what I am and I know what I'm not, I have conceive

- I can't think of a nice title.. >.<

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