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August 20, 2009

I wanna RIP!

Just this morning when I woke up, I felt so exhausted and lazy and I don't know, its just I feel so weak this day, so tired and wanted to catch a sleep all day long. These past few weeks I've been busy with my school activities when my cheer dance practice has been included to my daily routine, we practice almost everyday after class and because of it I always go home late. Well, I don't blame my cheer dance practice but maybe it is in my time management or maybe my cheer dance practice or maybe not or maybe yes or I really don't know!! Its just, when I came home from school/cheer dance practice there are a lot of things I have to done with before I go to sleep, like doing my homework, washing my uniform and other house works as well. That's the reason why I go to bed very late and have to wake up very early in the morning to prepare our breakfast and sometimes because of my hastiness to go to school I often forgot to take my meal that I made, and unfortunately with all my effort I always got late on my first period in the morning and for the feedback of my good performance I also got a deserving grades for it. However, right now I am planning to set a schedule for me to rest for the whole day and no one will ever disturb ME! I hope it'll be so soon... now I wanna REST, thanks for reading...!

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