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July 19, 2009

Nice meeting you...

Meet our new pet cat named "SAMPID" I'm not sure if her name means "ADOPTED" in English but it was kinda sort of like that.

Well, here's the history.

She came in our house during my Mother's birthday celebration last April 6, 2009 around 7 o'clock in the evening without any invitation. As what I've seen she was so thin and weak that time, she keeps on making loud "miaws" which means she's hungry. I really wanna adopt her but parents wouldn't love to since she was a girl cat, they say it's ok if the cat was a boy. Then I never mind about her, suddenly my father get annoyed so he put the cat away from home. Surprisingly the cat manage to get back in our house and my father keeps on putting her away and again and again the cat manage to came back. Until they've decided to adopt the cat and name her "SAMPID" from that moment on the cat is officialy part of our family.

Now that she's grown up we didn't expect that we're feeding a "ruthless, viloent, harsh, cat!" Evidence are clear, she was caught in the act doing GROSS thing for a cat like her! haha! Nah! just kidding, actually we're having fun with her, my mama, my papa, my couzins, me, and even my friends. She's so fun to be with sometimes irritating but most of the time funny. Imagine a cat that annoys you early in the morning, like playing with your feet while you're still asleep that'll surely wakes you up. When you walk around the house you'll be surprise when you see sampid rushing towards you, and some more cat's business. She's good in surprise attack I should guess, well so far no one has been reported that was bitten by our beloved cat "sampid". Anyways, we also gave her a birthdate and I should say you already know when was it. Haha! thanks for reading.


beincent said...

Pareha diay ta.. Adopted pud akong iring... Ang name kay Miming.. Last Dec. 22, 2008... :D

beincent said...

I change akong RSS Feed... Mao ni ang bag-o..

Unknown said...

aw, ok na, na add na nako...