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October 12, 2009


Phew... I've been really working a bit hard with my studies this first semester in college, it was my first time to feel so much pressured like that, although I don't hook on it seriously I still find out that it was really difficult. There are times that I almost loose my hope but when I came to realize how much my parents sacrifice and suffer just to enroll me into a fine a university I will then try to find a way out of my laziness, yes I am! I am sick of going into school everyday, I am sick of sleepless night, I am sick of waking up early to go to school but still LATE, I am sick of doing my home works, sick of reviewing my notes for upcoming quizzes but still FAIL, sick of memorizing different formulas but then confused if what formula I should use, sick of analyzing logically for my program, sick of recovering my absences and missed quizzes/assignments, sick community work, sick of my classmates, sick my rooms, sick of my daily commutes, sick of carrying my 100 ton bag pack, and very sick of doing a 1 week project completion. Yet! I'm sick of all of these but with those sickness I managed to gently mold my self and with the help of Lord God I believe everything will be alright, besides I found out that college has been the training ground of my future career... HAHA! XD

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