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September 30, 2009


It has been a while since I noticed you,

With my eyes that keeps on lookin’ at your view,

I really don’t know what’s with you!

That I can’t help my heart in keeping you.

Fooling in love again is not unusual for me,

In fact “I am fooling my self almost daily”,

And that’s all because of you my bebeh,

I wish everyone could understand me as if I am crazy.

Exposed feelings means you knew something,

And to conceal these feelings I should keep on ignoring,

Though it’s quiet like a self denying,

But truly in my self it was so exciting.

Assuming that you already belong with me,

WHOAT!? How pity I am dreaming exceedingly!

I guess I’ll just keep this feeling of me,

As well as accept my foolishness willingly.

Life is like that as what I know,

And as what I know I hope it’ll grow,

From this day and so on I am good to go!

Yet, I believe you’re not my jai ho! <<>

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